Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Final Reflection

My guiding/driving question was what does it take to rearrange a music piece. I can now say that I know how to do that. What goes into the copyright and getting the music published and got more knowledge into instrumentation.

My mentor Mr. Schramm was a good help, he told me the crucial information about copyright.

This was a good project, I learned a lot.

Monday, May 6, 2019


This week I am just doing more rearranging, I am about 3/4 through the piece. This has proved to be harder then I thought. The instrumentation took a lot to figure out, I had to redo the “equation” per-say

Friday, April 19, 2019

Grit test

This week I started out with rearranging the piece, and I found a software I can write it on. It’s called noteflight, I can put down all the notes under correct octaves and the right key. It is a lot easier then writing it all on paper.

My grit is higher then most Americans, a 2.6. My grit will keep me going on this project. Especially because music is something that interests me. This also indicates that when I have long term goals I will try my hardest to make those goals.

Thursday, March 21, 2019


I decided to rearrange the piece Lux Nova Eric Whitacre. While I’m waiting for the music to arrive I’ll talk to Mr Schramm about the copyright stuff I need to do to publish the piece. First thing I need to do is contact the publisher for the piece, I found the publisher on the composers website. It could cost money or be free.

Starting out

First thing I need to do is pick a choir piece to rearrange. Right now I am deciding between Lux Nova by Eric Whitacre and Ubi Caritas by Paul Mealor. To decide this I will talk with Mr. Schramm and Mr. Hahn. I need to decide which piece is best to transcribe in order for the best instrumentation

Monday, March 4, 2019


Justin Schramm - jschramm@plsas.org
He will help me with all the copyright process information. What I need to do if I actually want to perform this piece.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Guiding Question

What is your topic? Why did you choose this topic?
Rearranging music, this will be a new music experience for me, this has been something I’ve wanted to do.

2. What will you learn and make?
How to rearrange music, the instrumentation, all the copyright issues.

3.  Select/develop ONE that will serve as your driving question
Use this DRIVING QUESTION to guide your project.
 What does it take to rearrange a music piece?

4. What are the steps you will take to learn and create?
Talk to band/choir teachers learn about the copyright and the instrumentation, then start rearranging
5. What evidence will you have at the end of the semester to provide evidence that your project was successful?
I will have the final piece hopefully, and the info I learned about copyright and instrumentation 

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

20% Project

List 3 ideas/topics/interests you are considering for your 20%/Genius Hour project.
Arrange a choir piece into a percussion ensemble piece

Select ONE of these topics and answer the "5 W's" (YOU ARE NOT OFFICIALLY COMMITTING TO THIS TOPIC AT THIS TIME)

WHO? (Who can serve as a mentor/helper for your topic?)
Band and choir teachers

What? (What will you actually be doing?) (What will you learn about, and what will you create?)
Learn about the process, all the copyright stuff. Learn about what parts of the choir and how it should transfer to mallet instruments

When? (When will you be working on this? During/after school, weekends?)
I can do this during the provided time

Where? (Will this topic require travel? If so, where? Is this feasible?)
In school, where ever I want

Why? (Most importantly, why are you considering this topic? Why is it important to you?)
This project involves my favorite things choir and band

How? (How will you provide evidence of your learning and research throughout the project?
The transcription of the music

How will you share this information with quests at the final presentation gallery walk?)
I can have the final music, and the process of how I did it

Monday, January 14, 2019

Final Overview

How did the service learning project go?
This project went really good, it really took things in perspective how all these activities I do for fun can really impact people.

What struggles did you encounter during the project?
I struggled creating content for the blogs, I had to really think through the process of what I do every week and what it does.

What did I learn from this project?
Small things can really make a big difference to anyone.

What grade would you give yourself?
A higher B grade, I missed one blog and not all of them were spaced out correctly, but I have good content and pictures.

My Small Group

Every Wednesday after the main service with every grade and after the message we have small group time. It’s 40 minutes of time with your small group. My small group is around my age, we’re all in the same grade and going through a lot of the same things. We’re all involved in arts at school so we can relate through that. Every month we have a call to connect week, so that means we have to go into the community and help in some way. Usually since we’re all music related we go to the nursing home very near to the church and go sing there. Another thing we do a couple times a year is feed my starving children, this is a program that gets food to people in other countries that are in poverty.