Monday, January 14, 2019

Final Overview

How did the service learning project go?
This project went really good, it really took things in perspective how all these activities I do for fun can really impact people.

What struggles did you encounter during the project?
I struggled creating content for the blogs, I had to really think through the process of what I do every week and what it does.

What did I learn from this project?
Small things can really make a big difference to anyone.

What grade would you give yourself?
A higher B grade, I missed one blog and not all of them were spaced out correctly, but I have good content and pictures.

My Small Group

Every Wednesday after the main service with every grade and after the message we have small group time. It’s 40 minutes of time with your small group. My small group is around my age, we’re all in the same grade and going through a lot of the same things. We’re all involved in arts at school so we can relate through that. Every month we have a call to connect week, so that means we have to go into the community and help in some way. Usually since we’re all music related we go to the nursing home very near to the church and go sing there. Another thing we do a couple times a year is feed my starving children, this is a program that gets food to people in other countries that are in poverty.